(0) Pizza "Popper Chili" Mozzarella, salami pepperoni, jalapeno pepper, Italian tomato sauce оpen further From 179.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached
(0) Combo "BIG PARTY" Pizza Royal Beef, Pizza Cheeseburger, Pizza Bavaria, Pizza Pear with Gorgonzola оpen further From 889.00 ₴ Regular price 986.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached
(0) Pizza "Rabbit Kuzya" pizza sauce, ham, mozzarella cheese, pickled cucumbers, olives, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, olives, arugula оpen further From 169.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached
(1) Hanging Pizza Defender pizza with ham, juicy tomato, olives, aromatic greens with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. The suspended pizza will be given as a gift to our Defenders! Thank you! оpen further From 75.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached
(0) Pizza "Owl Cleopa" cheese and cream sauce, chicken mozzarella cheese, sesame seeds, Vienna sausages, pineapple, olives, pickled cucumber оpen further From 189.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached
(0) 500 ml Limonade lemon juice, orange juice, prepared water, sugar, lemon peel, mint оpen further 50.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached
(0) Baked potato oven baked potatoes, spices, sauce of your choice (tomato, French with mustard or cheese) оpen further From 75.00 ₴ Price remove add shopping_cart cached